Advanced Guides
Component Helpers
Autoload comes bundled with several View Components, including;
There are also smaller, less common components that are optional to use. These are;
- Header
- Footer
Header & Footer
These are useful for injecting custom Blade stacks that are used for Content Block spacing customization as well as auto-including the Autoload scripts.
You can use them in your site template like so;
1<!DOCTYPE html> 2<html lang="{{ str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}"> 3 <head> 4 <x-autoload::header> 5 @vite(['resources/css/app.css']) 6 </x-autoload::header> 7 8 <title>Page Title</title> 9 </head>10 <body>11 <!-- header navigation -->12 13 <main role="main">14 {{ $slot }}15 </main>16 17 <!-- footer navigation -->18 19 <x-autoload::footer>20 @vite(['resources/js/app.js'])21 </x-autoload::footer>22 </body>23</html>
Autoload [Pages](/docs/pages) comes with SEO and Metadata-related fields that can be customized in the Filament CMS.
If you're using the Header component (above), it will inject a meta
stack that we can use to inject
a Page's metadata into the site page's head
You can add this component in two ways; by passing the current Request or by passing the Autoload Page variable directly, usually where you'd place your Page Builder component logic.
1<x-autoload::seo :request="request()" />
1<div>2 <x-autoload::seo :page="$page" />3 4 @if ($page->content)5 @foreach ($page->content as $content)6 <x-autoload::page-builder :content="$content" :loop="$loop->index" :page="$page"/>7 @endforeach8 @endif9</div>